McCoy's Grand Theatre produces three or four plays in a season. Auditions last approximately two hours. At a “straight show” audition (that is, a non-musical), you will be asked to read portions of the script. At a musical audition, you may be asked to sing a song and read from the script. The thing to keep in mind is that everyone is in the same boat. Our shows are not pre-cast; you have as much of a chance of getting a part as anyone else. And you definitely won't be the only nervous person in the room!
The final requirements of each show's audition are ultimately up to that show's director and may vary from show to show. For example, a musical audition might require you to come with a prepared piece of music, or the director might ask you to sing something from the show, or you could be asked to do both. To find out what is expected of you at any given audition, it is best to check with the director prior to auditions. We will try to post updated audition information for specific shows on this page as well.
Being Prepared – When getting ready to audition, it is best to take a lesson from the Boy Scouts and “Be Prepared”. While it's not a requirement, it is highly recommended that you become familiar with the show for which you want to audition. Reading from the script will be easier at the audition if you know what to expect.
Auditions, as noted, generally run about two hours. You should come prepared to stay the entire time. Some directors will see you once and then excuse you; others will have you read periodically throughout the night. If you are unable to stay the entire time, inform the director and his/her assistant when you need to leave so they can be sure you have a chance to be seen and heard. If you leave before the director announces the end of auditions, make sure he/she knows you're leaving so your name isn't called out later in the evening for another reading.
Time Commitment – Each director will determine the rehearsal schedule for that particular show, but in general, be prepared to rehearse for approximately six to eight weeks prior to the opening of the show.
Auditioning Tips:
In community theater, many factors are considered in the choice of a cast. Some of these are:
We truly appreciate you making the time and effort to come to auditions. We hope you will become a member of our theatrical family.
McCoy's Grand Theatre & Museum
121 N. Main Street Moorefield WV 26836
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